Most people think of issues of race, gender and religious affiliation when it comes to discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately, you might also experience age discrimination, especially if you are over forty years old.
What does age discrimination look like?
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against you based on your age. This includes refusing to hire someone who is older or letting your age motivate their decision to fire you. However, you might also experience subtle discrimination. This might include the following:
- Frequent questions or comments about retirement.
- Offering you a new and enticing retirement package (especially if you reject it and you are fired).
- Calling you by a nickname related to your age.
- Overlooking you for advancements or new projects.
- Emphasizing the need for a “fresher” business image.
- Undue scrutiny or unfair strictness in quality of work.
According the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), there were nearly twenty-one thousand charges of age discrimination in 2016 and more than $482 million secured for age discrimination victims.
Age discrimination is a real and present threat to the livelihood of millions of Americans. If you believe your employer is trying to force you to retire, you could be the victim of age discrimination.
Often, companies try to cover their tracks by including you in lay-offs that seem too convenient to be a coincidence. Other times, they attempt to buy you out or include you in other incentive programs. They could claim that they created these with legal help, but they only protect themselves in the process.
Age discrimination is a complex and sensitive issue. If you believe you may be the victim of age discrimination, contact The Law Offices of Leo B. Dubler, III, LLC today. Call our South Jersey employment discrimination lawyers at 856-235-7075 or submit an online inquiry. Share on: FacebookTwitterLinkedIn