Is There Political Discrimination in the Workplace?

Political beliefs are deeply personal, but they can sometimes become a point of contention in the workplace. Employees often bring their perspectives and ideologies into conversations at work, which may lead to uncomfortable or even discriminatory situations. In New Jersey, workplace discrimination based on protected categories, such as race, gender, and religion, is illegal. Where do political beliefs fall in this framework, though? This blog explores whether political discrimination exists in the workplace and what employees can do if they[…] Read More

Accent Bias: When Language and Dialect Become Barriers in the Workplace

Accent bias in the workplace happens more often than people think; many are not even aware of when it is happening or what it is. This issue often stems from prejudices tied to regional or cultural associations with certain accents or dialects. While communication is important in a professional setting, accent bias unfairly shifts focus from an individual’s qualifications to perceived linguistic differences, creating barriers that hinder workplace equality. What Is Accent Bias in the Workplace? Accent bias refers to[…] Read More

Is Alcoholism a Disability in the Workplace?

Alcoholism affects millions of people across the United States, impacting personal relationships, public safety, and workplace environments. The impaired judgment and decreased inhibition associated with alcohol addiction can influence work performance and affect the social dynamics within a workplace. However, do employees struggling with alcoholism have any legal protections against workplace discrimination? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a disability as a condition substantially limiting one or more major life activities. If alcoholism significantly impairs your daily functions—such as[…] Read More

What Is Marital Discrimination in the Workplace?

Employees and job applicants still face discrimination often, despite some positive changes over the past decades. One of the less-talked-about kinds is marital discrimination in the workplace. This is when the reason for the unfair treatment is based on marital or familial status. It can overlap with other protected categories like pregnancy, gender, religion, and race. Here is what you need to know about workplace marital discrimination. This type of discrimination can happen to applicants and employees who are single[…] Read More

Can Veterans Be Discriminated in the Workplace?

As veterans transition from military to civilian life, they may encounter various challenges related to employment. Despite federal and state laws prohibiting workplace discrimination, some veterans may still face unfair treatment based on their military service. This underscores the importance of understanding and respecting veterans’ rights in the workplace. While this can be an unfortunate situation, there are legal options that may be of help. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against veterans under several federal laws, including the Uniformed Services[…] Read More