What Is a Hostile Work Environment?

Some co-workers can be unfriendly, making your workdays unpleasant. While it might be hard to deal with, an employee who gets on your nerves is not necessarily breaking any laws. If the harassing behavior creates a hostile work environment though, you may have legal recourse. A hostile work environment is when offensive or unwelcome workplace behavior makes at least one employee feel intimidated, frightened, or uncomfortable. As far as making a legal claim in New Jersey, the behavior has to[…] Read More

How Can You Stop Virtual Sexual Harassment at Work?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature that affects an individual’s employment or creates a hostile work environment. Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. It is considered a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Because employees spend so much time interacting online, opportunities[…] Read More

How Pervasive Is Sexual Harassment of Health Care Workers?

According to a report that appears on RN.org, more than half of female nurses, doctors, and students report being the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace. Male health care workers are affected by inappropriate behavior as well, though to a lesser degree. What Is Sexual Harassment? Workplace sexual harassment is unwelcome attention or behavior that targets someone on the basis of their gender or that inhibits them from doing their job. The conduct may include making sexual advances or[…] Read More

Are Employees Allowed to Express Political Views at Work?

The Constitution does not prohibit private employers from regulating political speech at work. Despite employee claims of a First Amendment right to share political views, the constitutional protections only limit actions of lawmakers and government institutions, not private firms.  In fact, there are many reasons it is advisable for employers to institute a policy that outlines what kinds of speech are allowed in the workplace. Of course, the practice of regulating speech on the job may be seen as a[…] Read More

What is a Hostile Work Environment?

Many people have work colleagues they find offensive or work conditions they do not enjoy. However, when someone has to endure offensive or unwelcome discriminatory behavior that makes them feel scared or intimidated and disrupts their ability to work over a significant period, then another level has been reached that can be defined as a hostile work environment. The discriminatory and harassing behavior does not have to be directed at the person filing a complaint for hostile work environment. Anyone[…] Read More