Is Anxiety Considered a Workplace Disability?

Mental health issues are crucially important in your life, and they can affect whether and how you can do your job. It is not only physical disabilities that entitle you to certain protections on the job. If you suffer from anxiety, you may have the same legal rights that you would otherwise have if you suffered from a physical disability. If your employer has violated your rights, you may be able to file a lawsuit against them after you contact[…] Read More

Is Anxiety a Disability in the Workplace?

Anxiety is often misunderstood and underestimated in the workplace. While some may not perceive it as a disability in the traditional sense, its impact on individuals can be profound and far-reaching. The struggles associated with anxiety can affect various aspects of an individual’s professional life, from productivity and performance to relationships with colleagues and superiors. Recognizing and addressing anxiety as a potential disability in the workplace can foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all employees. Anxiety can be considered[…] Read More

What Is Disability Discrimination?

Disability discrimination occurs when an employer treats a qualified individual unfavorably because of their disability. This treatment can happen during the hiring process or while employed. According to New Jersey law, this form of discrimination is illegal and punishable by law. Under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD), employers cannot discriminate against individuals based on disability. This law applies to all aspects of employment, including hiring, firing, promotions, training, benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. Examples of[…] Read More

What Are the Factors of Disability Discrimination?

Disability discrimination at work occurs when an employer treats an employee or applicant unfavorably due to their disability. This form of discrimination violates various laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state regulations. It is important to note that the term “disability” covers a wide range of mental and physical impairments. These impairments may include but are not limited to mobility issues, hearing or vision impairments, cognitive disorders, and chronic illnesses. The primary law protecting[…] Read More

Is Epilepsy Covered Under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Discrimination is an illegal act in the workplace, prohibited federally under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA protects qualified individuals with disabilities, defined as those who have impairments, have a record of an impairment, or is regarded as having a disability. Individuals with epilepsy, the chronic neurological condition, is one disability that is covered under the ADA, as it is an impairment that limits the ability to work. There are almost 200,000 new cases of seizure disorders and[…] Read More