Am I Required to Give Two Weeks’ Notice to My Employer When Quitting?

The customary practice of tendering a two-week notice before quitting a job is deeply ingrained in the corporate world. Despite its ubiquitous nature, many still wonder if it is a legal requirement. The tradition of providing a two-week notice before leaving a job is not a law but rather a professional courtesy. The two-week window allows employers ample time to find a replacement or redistribute the existing employee’s workload. This practice promotes a smooth transition and maintains positive relationships between[…] Read More

Can You Remain Anonymous as a Whistleblower?

A whistleblower claim occurs when an individual, often an employee, reports misconduct within their organization. These claims can span a wide range of issues, from financial fraud and health and safety violations to breaches of public trust. Here are some fictional examples: Potential whistleblowers often grapple with the fear of retaliation, making anonymity a crucial concern. Can you remain anonymous as a whistleblower? The answer is complex and largely depends on the nature of the allegations, the specific laws involved,[…] Read More

What Is Considered Inappropriate Touching in the Workplace?

Maintaining a respectful and comfortable environment for everyone is paramount in the professional world. One of the most critical aspects of this is understanding and respecting personal boundaries, particularly regarding physical contact. Inappropriate touching in the workplace is a grave issue that can lead to significant consequences, including legal trouble. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that affects an individual’s employment, interferes with their work[…] Read More

Yes, Men Can Be Sexually Harassed in the Workplace

Although the news coverage usually focuses on females, men can also be sexually harassed in the workplace. It is true that women are more often the ones who face this kind of abuse, but men seem to be less like to do anything when it happens to them. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances or physical or verbal acts of a sexual nature in the workplace. Requests for sexual favors also fall into[…] Read More

If I am on Bed Rest, Should My Employer Allow Me to Work From Home?

Working remotely was not such a big thing before the pandemic hit and then it became business as usual. Now that so many companies have changed back to on-site and hybrid environments, employees who are put on bedrest for medical reasons can be faced with difficult situations. Even though their physicians insist that they must be homebound, their employers might not want to allow them to work from home at all. Can My Employer Turn Down My Request to Work[…] Read More