
What Are Executive Contracts?

Executive contracts are essential tools for employers and high-level employees. These agreements define the terms and conditions of employment, providing clarity and security to both parties. Understanding these contracts is crucial if you are an executive or an employer in New Jersey. An executive contract is a legally binding agreement between an executive and their employer. These contracts detail the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties and cover various aspects of employment, such as salary, benefits, job duties, and[…] Read More

Is Anxiety a Disability in the Workplace?

Anxiety is often misunderstood and underestimated in the workplace. While some may not perceive it as a disability in the traditional sense, its impact on individuals can be profound and far-reaching. The struggles associated with anxiety can affect various aspects of an individual’s professional life, from productivity and performance to relationships with colleagues and superiors. Recognizing and addressing anxiety as a potential disability in the workplace can foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all employees. Anxiety can be considered[…] Read More

What Is Marital Discrimination in the Workplace?

Employees and job applicants still face discrimination often, despite some positive changes over the past decades. One of the less-talked-about kinds is marital discrimination in the workplace. This is when the reason for the unfair treatment is based on marital or familial status. It can overlap with other protected categories like pregnancy, gender, religion, and race. Here is what you need to know about workplace marital discrimination. This type of discrimination can happen to applicants and employees who are single[…] Read More

Can Veterans Be Discriminated in the Workplace?

As veterans transition from military to civilian life, they may encounter various challenges related to employment. Despite federal and state laws prohibiting workplace discrimination, some veterans may still face unfair treatment based on their military service. This underscores the importance of understanding and respecting veterans’ rights in the workplace. While this can be an unfortunate situation, there are legal options that may be of help. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against veterans under several federal laws, including the Uniformed Services[…] Read More

What Is Union Affiliation Discrimination?

Union affiliation discrimination is a form of bias when an employer discriminates against employees or job applicants based on their association with a labor union or their exercise of rights under labor laws. This type of discrimination can range from subtle biases during the hiring process to overt acts of retaliation against employees engaged in union activities.   Common examples of union affiliation discrimination include: Protection Against Union Affiliation Discrimination Federal labor laws protect employees against union affiliation discrimination, ensuring[…] Read More